This website is to help people start small online businesses. Do I know anything about it? Not really. It’s more what I have learned and observed about businesses.
I’ve discovered that a large portion of the public do not comprehend certain fundamental ideas about business, such as the reasons for price increases. The real reason. Also, they wonder why the CEO makes like 200 times as much as the employee who pushes a hamburger across the counter.
I plan on teaching you the tasks behind the scenes, especially YouTube stuff, basic business concepts, how to make a course, how to make a video, that kind of thing. The reason I’m doing this is many of the tasks of starting an online business are the tasks behind the scenes.
How do you use WordPress? How do you set up a YouTube channel? How do you edit a video? Should you use iMovie or ScreenFlow? How do I use them? I’m just going to show you how to do these things. You’ll notice I haven’t mentioned marketing yet because I don’t know how to do marketing. I’ll teach you what I know, when I know it.
I will also tell my resources. What YouTube channels I find valuable. Why I am a Mac snob.
Okay. I’ll teach you some concepts. Like one thing that took me a long time to figure out and appreciate is that you have to believe in yourself. I will teach you some steps toward believing in yourself.
Here is my dream that is probably impractical, probably silly. I want to start a renaissance. You see, one thing I’ve noticed that people need is a way to make an income where they have a choice.
I want people to choose their career. Their career might be a job, it could be anything. It could be bagging groceries.
As long as they’re doing it by choice. I don’t know anything about starting your own business, but I do know that one thing that’s handy is if I can help people start their own small online business, and maybe they’ll make nothing. Maybe they’ll lose a lot of money.
I can’t guarantee that people won’t lose a lot of money. I cannot guarantee they will make anything. But what if they could make a little bit of pin money? What if they could make enough to eventually work for themselves full-time, or just choose whatever career they want? They might decide they want to go to school, they might decide that they love where they are bagging groceries. Maybe they work with really nice people and love their job.
Now, not everyone will do this, but I’m hoping enough to start a renaissance. What I mean by a renaissance is that when people have the time and the money to do as they choose, they do amazing things. And that is what lights my fire.
I just love that. I love to see the excitement in people’s voices and faces. And I want to see if I can make my little contribution to make this world a better place.
My father always told us, “Make the world just a little better than when you came into it.” I hope to do that. I’m not saying that I have yet, but I hope to do that.
Can I create a renaissance on my own? Of course not. That will take generations. I am a dreamer, an idealist sometimes. Maybe I can create a spark that later leads to a renaissance.
Please join my on this journey!
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